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Summer Program for Interdisciplinary Research and Education – Emerging Interface Technologies

Funded by NSF grant #1757900.

Summer Program for Interdisciplinary Research and Education – Emerging Interface Technologies

SPIRE-EIT (Summer Program for Interdisciplinary Research and Education – Emerging Interface Technologies) at Iowa State University is a 10-week interdisciplinary summer experience for 10 undergraduates that integrates research and education in emerging interface technologies. Since the site’s inception in 2006, students’ commitment to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields has been demonstrated, as well as producing research publications. Students are provided with classroom training and gain hands-on experience using cutting-edge instruments, equipment, computers and cyberinfrastructure. Classes in computer programming and graphics, interface design, human-computer interaction, research skills, team skills, and ethics occupy approximately one third of the students’ time. In an unusual structure that is focused on building a community of practice, students conduct interdisciplinary research projects in groups of two or three, with all students co-located in Iowa State’s Virtual Reality Applications Center (VRAC). Each group interacts with VRAC graduate students under the supervision of VRAC faculty. The research projects are presented at an end-of-the summer campus-wide research symposium in the form of posters, demos, and a five-page research paper. Frequently the students present their research at research conferences later during the school year.

REU|2019 recap and intern interviews

Research Projects

Virtual Reality Based Stress Tasks – Is Virtual Stress Real?

Faculty Mentor: Birdie Shirtcliff (Human Development and Family Studies)

Mentors: Neil Barnett (Human Development and Family Studies), Lotte Van Dammen (Human Development & Family Studies,

REU Interns: Roselynn Conrady, BradonThymes, Lucas Wright

Description (.pdf)

Poster (.pdf)

Video Summary (YouTube)

Reducing Disorientation in Teleportation Interfaces

Faculty Member: Jonathan Kelly (Cognitive Psychology) and Stephen Gilbert (Industrial and Systems Engineering)

Mentors: Lucia Cherep (Cognitive Psychology)

REU Interns: Karina Bhattacharya, Nina Crosby Walton, Vrinda Shroff

Description (.pdf)

Poster (.pdf)

Video Summary (YouTube)

An experimental study of 3D scanning systems for quality inspection in manufacturing

Faculty Members: Beiwen Li (Mechanical Engineering) and Hantang Qin (Industrial and Systems Engineering)

Mentors: Vignesh Suresh (Mechanical Engineering), Xiao Zhang (Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering), Yi Zheng (Mechanical Engineering; VRAC)

REU Interns: Kelsey Benjamin, Lara Chunko, Jennifer Patterson

Description (.pdf)

Poster (.pdf)

Video Summary (YouTube)

Quality assessment of 3D scans

Faculty Members: Heike Hofmann (Statistics), Susan VanderPlas (Statistics)

Mentors: Ganesh Krishnan (Statistics)

REU Interns: Syema Ailia, Emmanuelle Hernandez, Tiger Ji

Description (.pdf)

Poster (.pdf)

Video Summary (YouTube)


Interns, Mentors, and Blogs

Photos from REU|2019